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FREE nutrition services on campus

Free Nutrition Counseling: Healthy eating is just as important as getting good grades and in fact it might help you do so. TU has free nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian. If you have questions about nutrition, healthy eating, weight management, etc. you can make an appointment with the campus dietitian,  Kerry Ballek at kballek@towson.edu

TU Nutrition Club: Did you know there is a nutrition club on campus? If you are interested in learning about nutrition or helping other TU students learn about healthy eating then join the TU Nutrition Club. To get nutrition tips, follow us on:

Facebook: Towson Nutrition Club

Instagram: TUNutritionClub


Nourish TU: Look for the Nourish TU column in the Towerlight. The articles are written by members of the TU Nutrition Club.

For information on the above, contact the campus dietitian, Kerry Ballek at kballek@towson.edu

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