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Don’t Miss Motivational Speaker Lizzie Velasquez!

Join us on Thursday, March 30th at 7 PM in UU Chesapeakes for an incredible talk by motivational speaker and anti-bullying advocate Lizzie Velásquez. Born with a rare syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Velásquez was first bullied as a child in school for looking different and, later online, as a teenager when she discovered a YouTube video labeling her “The World’s Ugliest Woman.”

Lizzie will share her inspiring journey from cyber-bullying victim to anti-bullying activist and speak about her physical and emotional journey up to her multi-million viewed TEDx talk. Get a glimpse into how 26 year old, 58 pound Lizzie became an ambassador for kindness, from motivational speaking to lobbying for a ground-breaking anti-bullying bill on Capitol Hill.


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