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The Wage Gap

You’ve probably heard that men are paid more than women are paid over their lifetimes. But what does that mean? Are women paid less because they choose lower-paying jobs? Is it because more women work part time than men do? Or is it because women have more caregiving responsibilities? And what, exactly, does gender bias have to do with paychecks?

Did you know that in 2015, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid?

Think 80 cents is bad? The pay gap is worse for women of color. Compared to non-Hispanic white men, Hispanic or Latina women earn just 54%, African American women are paid 63% and Asian American women earn 85%.

Women face a pay gap in nearly every occupation in every state, and higher levels of educational achievement are not an effective pay gap solution on their own.

Join us on Tuesday, April 4th at 12 pm in the University Union, Room 305 during Equal Pay Day to learn more about the gender wage gap and what you can do to fight the pay gap.