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Badolato Speaker Series: America’s Drug Problem

America’s Drug Problem: A Persistent Threat to Homeland Security

May 6, 2016 | 1–3 PM | College of Liberal Arts, RM 4310 | FREE

Towson University is proud to host the Edward V. Badolato Distinguished Speaker Series in Homeland Security, endowed by the late Colonel Edward V. Badolato, USMC (Ret.).

According to statistics from the FBI, illegal narcotics contribute to approximately four hundred homicides each year within the United States. In December, CNN reported that 47,055 people died from drug overdoses in 2014, a number 1.5 times greater than the number killed in car crashes.

How can we address this problem?

Tom Carr, the Executive Director of the Baltimore-Washington High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), will discuss the drug crisis facing our region and what is being done to stop it in a presentation titled America’s Drug Problem: A Persistent Threat to Homeland Security.

The event is FREE and open to anyone, but space is limited.

Learn more and register here.

Contact info: badolato@towson.edu

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