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Be Money Smart!

Money Smart Week

April 25-29, 2016
Cook Library

Check out Cook Library’s programs during Money Smart Week, part of a national initiative to promote financial literacy:

Money and Sense: Practical Steps towards Achieving Financial Wellness
Monday, April 25
Cook Library Room #507

This one-hour seminar will change the way you think about Money! Topics and open discussion will give you insight and reduce your stress about key topics such as debt repayment strategies, budgeting techniques, credit card management, planning for major purchases, managing student debt and long term savings strategies to achieve Financial Wellness. No matter where you are on your current financial journey, this seminar will give tips to share with your friends and family to guide you toward a financially healthy lifestyle before, during and after college. Session provided by: Robert Savage, Financial Coach, WayPoints Financial Services. Sponsored by the Maryland CASH Campaign.

TUIG Presents: Personal Finance for Millennials
Tuesday, April 26
Cook Library Room #507
Join Graham Ewing, CFP (TU ‘12, former TUIG president) of the Financial Consulate for a wide-ranging discussion of all things personal finance, from the basics on up. Sponsored by the Towson University Investment Group.

Credit Café
Wednesday, 4/27, drop by anytime from 1-5pm
Cook Library, main (3rd) floor

Drop by Guidewell Financial Solutions’ Credit Café and learn how to pull your free credit report. You’ll have the opportunity to review your credit report with a certified credit counselor. Guidewell Financial’s counselors will assist you in understanding your credit history, discuss areas of concern, and answer any questions you may have about credit or debt. Participants needing additional assistance will be provided a variety of referral options for credit counseling, financial coaching, and housing counseling.

Credit 101
Wednesday, 4/27, 5-6pm
Cook Library Room #507

What is credit and why is it important? Dan Florea and Jeff Swecker of Guidewell Financial Solutions will address benefits and risk of using credit, different types of credit, how to establish credit, and what to know about credit reports and scores.

TUIG Presents: Discussion of Warren Buffett’s Letters to Shareholders
Thursday, April 28
Cook Library Room #507

Join the Towson University Investment Group as they analyze and discuss legendary investor Warren Buffett’s 2001, 2010, and 2015 letters to shareholders [visit: http://tinyurl.com/WBLetters16]. Sponsored by the Towson University Investment Group.

These programs are offered as part of Money Smart Week ®, an annual personal finance event sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. National partners are the American Library Association, the Financial Planning Association, the Certified Financial Board of Standards, Inc., the US Department of Agriculture, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Money Smart Week is a registered service mark of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.