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Plan Ahead!

Whether you have toddlers, teens, aging parents/grandparents or any combination thereof, opportunities abound to #PlanAhead when it comes to keeping your family safe on the road. As we wrap up Drive Safely Work Week, here are some great tools and resources to help you keep your family safe on the road not just this week but in the years to come.

PlanAhead to ensure kids are in the right car seat as they grow:  http://www.safercar.gov/parents/CarSeats/Car-Seat-Safety.htm

PlanAhead to make time to practice with your teen driver—Use the practice curriculum in the FREE e-Novice Driver’s Road Map developed by NETS as your guide: http://trafficsafety.org/e-novice-drivers-road-map-available

PlanAhead to help senior relatives make plans for driving Retirement:  http://www.nhtsa.gov/Driving+Safety/Older+Drivers

PlanAhead to ensure your vehicle is road ready, you’ve planned your route and planned for the unexpected when it comes to family vacations: http://www.safercar.gov/SummerDrivingTips

PlanAhead – Your Key to Driving Safely.