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Giving to TU Just Got Easier!

As part of its continued efforts to increase support to the university, TU has partnered with GiveCorps to introduce a new online giving platform for alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends alike. The new platform launched in full July 1st.

 “We understand that donors are making a commitment to Towson with their gifts,” said Brittany N. Shaff, director of the annual campaign at TU. “We want to return that commitment by making online giving as easy as possible. Visitors to the site (http://www.towson.edu/givecorps) will quickly find the causes about which they’re passionate and gain an even deeper understanding of how their support is crucial to our students, our faculty, and our staff.”

 The site provides search functionality like that of many online marketplaces, allowing visitors to find the programs they’d like to support in just a few keystrokes. Each of the Towson University Foundation’s more than 600 funds is represented, with descriptions of the funds included on each page, and donors can create a giving profile that will allow them to give in just a few clicks when they return to the site.

 As new funds are opened within the TU Foundation, new pages will be added to Towson’s GiveCorps architecture. You can begin exploring all the giving opportunities we offer at http://www.towson.edu/givecorps today!


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