TU home | T3 | Natural Gas Outage 2/19-2/21: Dress Appropriately!

Natural Gas Outage 2/19-2/21: Dress Appropriately!

Baltimore Gas and Electric has initiated an interruption to the natural gas supply to the University beginning Thursday 2/19 at 6 p.m. The interruption is scheduled to last until Saturday at 10 a.m. This interruption is required because of extreme temperatures and winds forecasted. To meet this requirement the University Power Plant will be forced to switch over to fuel oil. Switching over will cause reduced steam capacity to heat some of our buildings. Please dress appropriately as the buildings temperatures may be temporarily lowered to meet this mandate. Exact temperatures are unknown but our intention is to not go below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Any questions or concerns please call the Work Control Center 410-704-2481.

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