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Steam Outage – Saturday 1/13/2018

The Power Plant will be conducting emergency repairs resulting in a steam outage at 8:30 am on Saturday, January 13th. The expected duration of this outage is four hours. This will affect heating and domestic hot water to the central campus buildings that receive steam from the plant. Buildings that will have interruptions to the […]

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Natural Gas Outage 2/19-2/21: Dress Appropriately!

Baltimore Gas and Electric has initiated an interruption to the natural gas supply to the University beginning Thursday 2/19 at 6 p.m. The interruption is scheduled to last until Saturday at 10 a.m. This interruption is required because of extreme temperatures and winds forecasted. To meet this requirement the University Power Plant will be forced […]

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Heat Alert: Tips to Stay Safe

Due to heat indexes forecasted to be 99-105 degrees, the following is provided for your safety. Though rising temperatures may make you want to enjoy outdoor activities, extreme heat can present danger to your body. Be sure to stay aware of the signs of heat-related illnesses. Symptoms of Heat Cramps Painful muscle spasms Recommended Treatment: […]

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Campus access during winter break

During winter break, December 23, 2013 through January 1, 2014, university buildings will not be opened by the university police. Faculty and staff wishing to access buildings or offices during this time will need to provide their own means of entry, either with their OneCard or a conventional key. If you would like to access […]

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