With the start of a new semester, new Wellness Center members can get a free Orientation/Assessment (a $20 value) when you purchase a 3-Month membership ($55). For those of you who are already Wellness Center members, you can get 1-Month of membership for free when you refer a friend to join the Wellness Center. For […]
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Town Meeting regarding Workload Policy
The AAUP/Faculty Association is sponsoring a Town Meeting with President Robert L. Caret on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 from 3:00 until 5:00 p.m. Dr. Caret will be present from 3:00 until 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in Chesapeake 1 in the University Union. The topic to be discussed will be the new Workload […]
Library Materials Are Due
Faculty are reminded that all library materials checked out last semester are due February 5, 2004. Books and library materials MUST be returned or renewed this week. Renewing items now will advance their due date to June 7th.
Benefits Bulletin: 2004 Benefits Deductions and Payments
The new 2004 payroll deductions for all Maryland State group insurance benefits began with paychecks received on Wednesday, Jan. 14, for pay period ending Jan. 6. All regular faculty and staff members who have payroll deductions for group insurance benefits are responsible for reviewing their pay stubs carefully to be sure that they are enrolled […]
Benefits Bulletin: Continuation of Benefits for Dependent Children
Before processing group insurance claims for non-disabled dependent children whose 19th birthday occurred prior to January 1, 2004, the Maryland State Employee Benefits Division requires that a valid Certification of Dependent Eligibility form be on file. Faculty and staff must submit a new certification form at the beginning of each academic semester for any dependents […]
Effective Monday, March 22: Saber E-mail Addresses No Longer Available
Effective Monday, March 22, all ?@saber.towson.edu? e-mail addresses will be eliminated in an effort to standardize TU?s e-mail system to include only ?@towson.edu? addresses. The majority of faculty and staff members use ?@towson.edu? addresses and will not be affected. Please contact the Computing and Network Services Help Center, x4-5151 or {helpcenter@towson.edu}, if you need clarification […]
CANS? Technology Training Offers Variety of Topics this Semester
Was one of your New Year?s Resolutions to become more technology savvy? If so, CANS? Technology Training Center will offer expertise on a variety of computing topics for its upcoming spring semester 2004 workshop series. Join your colleagues to learn something new or to refresh your skills in a relaxed and ?at your own pace? […]
Affective Magazine is seeking a Faculty Advisor
Affective Magazine, The student magazine for Towson Students is seeking a Faculty Advisor. Preferably someone with a background in journalism, communications, business etc. who is interested in helping the publication grow. This is a great and fun opportunity while working and researching directly with students. If interested please contact Renee K. at {Rkaufm2@towson.edu.}
New Faculty/Staff Telephone Directories Winter 2004
The new telephone directories have been printed and are in the process of being distributed by Mail Services. A faculty & staff list of about 2000 has been provided to Mail Services and this will determine the distribution order. Distribution should be accomplished by the end of next week (February 6, 2004). It is requested […]
JANUARY VISA Card Transactions: Deadline for Reallocating
Attention University VISA Cardholders: All of the January VISA transactions from USBank are now on the ProCard Reallocation and Reconciliation System for you to view or make changes. On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16th at 2:00 p.m., these transactions will be transferred to the FRS system. If you are using the on-line ProCard system to move your […]
Information on Administrative Leave & Time Sheet Completion Due to Inclement Weather
This is a message from the Office of Human Resources in reference to university closings and delays due to inclement weather on Monday, Jan. 26, Tuesday, Jan. 27 and Wednesday, Jan. 28. Monday, Jan. 26 and Tuesday, Jan. 27 Administrative Leave has been granted to Regular Staff, 12 Month Faculty and Contingent Staff from 6 […]
Affective Magazine is seeking a Faculty Advisor
Affective Magazine, The student magazine for Towson Students is seeking a Faculty Advisor. Preferably someone with a background in journalism, communications, business etc. who is interested in helping the publication grow. This is a great and fun opportunity while working and researching directly with students. If interested please contact Renee K. at {Rkaufm2@towson.edu.}
Photographic Services Sets Portrait Session
Snowed out of your portrait sitting? Need a new photo for university publicity or publications? A new “Headshot Day” has been set for Wednesday, February 11. To schedule your appointment between 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. in AD424, contact Kanji Takeno at ktakeno@towson.edu or 4-2561.
CONTINUED: CHP Faculty Scholarship Presentations
COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATIONS FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2004 / 12:00-3:00 p.m. TOWSON CENTER, ROOM 343 HEATHER CROWE (KNES, Dissertation Presentation): The Influence of an Object Control Motor Skill Intervention on the Motor Development of Preschool Kindergarten Children Attending an Urban Elementary School BETH MERRYMAN (OTOS, Sabbatical Presentation): Factors that Influence the Adoption […]
University Senate Agenda / February 2, 2004
MEMORANDUM Date: January 22, 2004 To: The Academic Community From: James M. Anthony, Secretary Subject: February 2, 2004?Meeting of the University Senate The fifth regular meeting of the University Senate will be held on Monday, February 2, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in Rooms 314-316 of the University Union. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF […]
Spring 2004 Life Planning Seminars Announced!
The Maryland State Retirement Agency has released the Spring 2004 schedule for their LIFE PLANNING seminars which are geared to the needs of faculty and staff members of the MD State Retirement/Pension System who are at the mid-career stage in their lives. These seminars are designed to prepare eligible faculty and staff members for retirement […]
Spring 2004 Class Roster Navigation
Faculty may access Spring 2004 class roster on the web using Faculty Self Service. The log-in link can be found at {http://inside.towson.edu}, “click” on the blue header bar on top of the page “Online Services”. Log-in to “Online Services” using your TowsonU username and password. The navigation to access the class roster is as follows: […]
CONTINUED: Brown Bag Lunch Series: Talking about Teaching
The Institute for Teaching and Research on Women is sponsoring a Brown Bag Lunch Series “Talking About Teaching.” Our first luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 2004 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. in Room 309 of the University Union. The topic is ?Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom.? These are moments when students make […]
Minimester 2004 Grade Rosters Now Available Online
Faculty may now access Minimester 2004 final grade rosters on the web using Faculty Self Service. The log-in link can be found at {http://inside.towson.edu}., click on the blue header bar on top of the page “Online Services”. Log-in to “Online Services” using your TowsonU username and password. The navigation to access the grade roster is […]
CHP Faculty Scholarship Presentations
COLLEGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATIONS FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2004 / 12:00-3:00 p.m. TOWSON CENTER, ROOM 343 HEATHER CROWE (KNES, Dissertation Presentation): The Influence of an Object Control Motor Skill Intervention on the Motor Development of Preschool Kindergarten Children Attending an Urban Elementary School BETH MERRYMAN (OTOS, Sabbatical Presentation): Factors that Influence the Adoption […]
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