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CONTINUED: Brown Bag Lunch Series: Talking about Teaching

The Institute for Teaching and Research on Women is sponsoring a Brown Bag Lunch Series “Talking About Teaching.”

Our first luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 2004 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. in Room 309 of the University Union. The topic is ?Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom.? These are moments when students make problematic or contentious assertions that may offend other students in the class, or when students evidence strong resistance to material that has been assigned or presented by the professor. Our discussion will focus on how to manage these ?hot moments? so they become learning opportunities for our students. ITROW will provide pedagogical materials related to the topic, and we invite Towson faculty to share their experiences and strategies with the group.

Lunch will be provided at this opening event. Please RSVP to {kdugger@towson.edu} by February 15, 2004.