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Win Cash and Be Recognized at CBE’s First Fall Case Competition

Apply NOW!

CBE’s Inaugural Fall Case Competition

Nov. 21, 2014
8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Stephens Hall

Two winning teams will be selected with each member receiving $200 for each!

Teams will have two weeks to compile solutions to real world business cases provided by professional organizations and will present to a panel of regional business leaders. The case topics will include global business, outsourcing, cost management strategies and revenue growth strategies.

Breakfast and networking lunch will be provided for free for all teams!

How to Apply

Deadline to Apply: Nov. 6
No registration fee!

To apply, email tporterfield@towson.edu with the following information for EVERY team member: Name, major/concentration, email address.

Once your team’s application has been accepted you will receive a practice case to get a feel for the competition. The actual case for the competition will be distributed to all teams on Nov. 7.

Case Competition Rules:

  1. Only Towson University students are eligible to participate on teams.
  2. At least one member of the team must have a major within CBE (admitted to the business administration, accounting or e-business majors and combined majors OR majoring in economics).
  3. Teams must have a minimum of three members and no more than four.
  4. The competition is limited to 10 teams.
  5. There are two case studies. Five teams will be randomly assigned to Case 1 and five teams will randomly be assigned Case 2. Teams will only compete against other teams assigned to their case.
  6. Teams will receive their assigned case via email two weeks prior to the event on Nov. 7.
  7. All teams must arrive on time at 8:30 a.m. on the morning of the competition in order to participate.
  8. Teams will be randomly assigned presentation time slots on the morning of the competition.
  9. Presentations for case solutions will be limited to 20 minutes per team. There will be an additional five minutes for questions from the judges. Presentations may NOT contain more than 10 PowerPoint/Prezi slides.

Note about awards: The award money will be paid out by the Bursar’s office, in the event that a winner has extensive financial aid that the $200 will result in an “overaward” then they may defer their award amount to their team members.

For more information visit: http://web.towson.edu/cbe/news/competition.html