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CBE’s 2014 Development and Research Conference

The College of Business and Economics’ fourth annual Development & Research Conference brings together students, faculty and the business community to share applied research. We invite participants to engage in open discussions to advance these research initiatives and spark new ideas.

CBE Professors Thomas Rhoads and Precha Thavikulwat will be presenting their sabbatical work at the conference as well. (See schedule below for details)

2014 Development & Research Conference
Friday, May 2, 2014
8 a.m. to  2 p.m.
Stephens Hall, Rooms 106, 206, 207

Conference Schedule:

Sesstion 1A: STUDENT RESEARCH      8:00 – 9:00 a.m.   ST 106

Application of Data Mining Techniques in Estée Lauder’s Supply Chain Management
Hubert Chen – M.S. SCM; Dong-qing Yao – Department of e-Business & Technology Management

Blood Bananas: The Chiquita in Colombia Case Competition
Joe Barbera, Sandrine Emambu, Biruk Lulseged and Esam Mohammed – TU Enactus Student Organization Case Competition team members; David Brannon, Faculty Advisor

Using Technology for Data Collection in a Mass Casualty Event
Bryan Goodyear (BUAD-PMBA) and Jacobo Brandel (M.S.-SCM) – Department: e-Business and Technology Management; Tobin Porterfield (CBE) & Elizabeth Austin (CHP), Faculty Advisors

How Maternal Literacy affects HAZ scores under intervention of a cash transfer in Nicaragua
Ben Seigel, B.S. Economics; Seth Gitter, Faculty Advisor

Does the Construction Labor Market Exhibit Characteristics of Competition
Richard Matney – B.S. Economics; Matthew Chambers, Faculty Advisor

Session 1B:     8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

ST 206
I’m Not Telling: How Consumers’ Desire for Uniqueness and Social Group Affiliation Can Impact the Decision to Spread Word of Mouth
Veronica L. Thomas – Department of Marketing

ST 207
The Call up to the Majors: A Systematic Approach to the Economics of Minor League Baseball
Thomas Rhoads – Department of Economics

Session 2:      9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

ST 106
Acceptance of Technology, Self-Regulation, and Openness: Mediating Role of Comfort with Computers
Filiz Tabak & Nhung Nguyen  – Department of Management, and Rohit Pampal – SUNY Plattsburgh

ST 206
The Effect of XBRL Mandate on the Market Reaction to 10-K Filings
Jin D. Park – Department of Accounting

Session 3:      10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

ST 106
Predicting Counterproductive Work Behavior from a Bi-factor Model of Big Five Personality
Nhung Nguyen – Department of Management and Michael D. Biderman, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

ST 206
Socioemotional Wealth and Group Phenomena in Family Firms
Bart Debicki – Department of Management

Session 4:      11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.m.

ST 106
Strategic Sabotage and Firm Performance: Top Management Team and Middle Management Power Influence
Mariana Lebron – Department of Management

ST 206
Volunteer Behavior:  A Model of Factors that Influence the Allocation of Service Hours among Nonprofit Organizations
Rodney Stump – Department of Marketing

ST 207
CEO Power and Acquisition Motive for Going Public
Jian Huang – Department of Finance

Session 5:      12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

ST 106
Do Credit Default Swaps Affect the Pricing of Audit Services?
Lijing Du – Department of Finance and Adi Masli & Felix Meschke – University of Kansas

ST 206
Precise versus Just-below Pricing in the Context of Price Markdowns
Plamen Peev – Department of Marketing J. Mark Mayer – Indiana University-Indianapolis

Session 6:      1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

ST 106
The Impact of Geography and Religion on Women’s Access to Corporate Boards
Michael Dewally & Susan Flaherty –  Department of Finance

ST 206
Impacts of Search Engine Optimization on SMEs’ Website and Overall Business Performance: Evidence from Three Cases
Stella Tomasi & Xiaolin Li –  Department of eBusiness & Technology Management

ST 207
A Short-Run Model of the Interbank Interest Rate and its Application in a Business Game
Precha Thavikulwat –  Department of Management

Sponsored by the College of Business and Economics’ Development & Research Committee