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Flags for Freedom Name Dedications

On Friday, April 11th, the Towson Student Military Group held a fundraiser called Flags for Freedom. Towson students and faculty were able to purchase a small flag to “plant” in the grass around Speakers Circle. Many students and staff dedicated the flags they bought to past and present military friends and family. The following are the names of those men and women being honored:


Al   Sessier Dominic   Esquibel Larry   Merson, USMC Robert   Patterson
Al   Sessler, USA Don   Cromwell LT Tim   Turis Robertham   Lincoln
Aldeberan   Kent Donal   Turis Marco   Rojas Roger   Villalta
Alex   Walls Donald   Turis, USN Marcus   Marsh Rolando   Marquez
Andrew   Iobst Eddie   McGrain Michael   Connell Russel   K. Haight
Anthony   Justensen Elshabazz   Huger Michael   Sullivan Ryan   Cook
Antonino   Ruggeri, USA Freddy   Behr Michelle   Brumbaugh Samuel   Faulstich
Antonio   Ruggeri Garrett   Radke Mike   Moran Sean   Dugan
Ariabriani   Saptoro Greg   Buckely Jr. Mike   Moran, USN SGT   Mayo
Arthur   Kalb Harry   L. Barton Mike   Pitcher Skip   Harborth
Arthur   Kalb, USN Harry   P. Barton Nick   Bryant Skip   Harborth, USMC
Arthur   Schiller Harvey   Sauers Nick   Ziolkowski SPC   Havener
Bert   Heinig Isaiah   Coe Nicole   Carver SPC   Joseph
Bert   Heinig, USN James   DuPont Norman   Spurds SPC Kim
Blake   Converse Jason   Brumbaugh Pablo   Cruz Rentas Steve   Pine
Bob   Brendel Jeremy   Walczaak Pat   Young Steve   Pine, USAF
Brandon   Haight John   Mamaril Patrick   Fokam Steve   Siltman
Catherine   Coleman John   Teasley Randall   Powell Sullivan
Charles   R. Ward Josh Randall   Powell, USA T.O.   Thompson
Charlie   Fitzsimmons Josh   Brannon Ray   Lickman Ted   Thompson
Chris   Powell Kristian   Motta Ray   Timm Terry   Hunter
Chris   Ventura Kristy   Walls Ray   Timm, USN Tim   Turis, USN
Clinton   Burnett Kyle   Walczak Raymond   Mroz Timothy   Armstrong
Corey   Chambers Lacey   Chambers Richard   Brume Timothy   Candee
CPO   Meyers Larry   Merson Robert   C. Thomas Trystin   Alexander


Thank you so much for your support!