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Construction Update – Burdick Hall renovations, including gym access

The second phase of renovations to Burdick Hall is scheduled to begin April 12 and be completed in August of 2014. This work will include sprinkler work in the pool and renovations to administrative spaces and the men’s and women’s locker rooms.

Starting April 12, the main Burdick Hall entrance along University Drive will re-open. This will serve as the primary entrance to the gymnasiums. The Fitness Center and south entrance (facing the Union) will remain open; however, gymnasium access will need to occur from the west/main entrance and main lobby of Burdick Hall.

In preparation for this work the men’s and women’s locker rooms have been closed with the restroom facilities remaining open. Starting on April 12 the restrooms located in the men’s and women’s locker rooms will be closed and there will be no access down the south corridor.

The newly renovated restrooms in the main lobby will serve as the facilities for the Fitness Center and gymnasiums for the duration of the construction.

Please contact Lisa S. Taylor at x4-2490 or ltaylor@towson.edu if you have any questions regarding the renovations to Burdick Hall.
