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Interested in law? Join the new TU Mock Trial Team

Students interested in law are forming a Mock Trial Team at TU to compete in local and regional competitions this coming fall semester. In mock trial competitions, teams are given fake but realistic legal cases, which they build evidence for and argue in a mock courtroom setting against other teams.

Students from all majors and disciplines and class levels are welcome to join! There will be two workshops on basic courtroom procedures and practices to help get the team ready to compete at mock trials in the fall.

Students who are interested in joining the team should plan to attend these workshops:

Rules of Evidence Workshop
Tues. April 8, 5 p.m.
Stephens Hall, Room 115

Cross Examination Workshop
Tues. April 29, 5 p.m.
Stephens Hall, Room 115

Students interested in joining are asked to pay a $40 fee by April 29. The fees will go toward the teams’ registration and other competition costs.

For more information, contact
John Seeberger
Stephens Hall, Room 301K