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Join Us for Social Justice Awareness Week

Social Justice Awareness Week is March 31 to April 7. Come join us for as we increase awareness and promote equity and inclusion at the following events:

Judge Me Not
Monday, March 31
5 to 10 pm
West Village Commons Ballroom B
As human beings, we tend to stereotype each other without even thinking about how those perceptions lead to discrimination.  Come and let us equip you with the knowledge needed to break those misconceptions and the cycle of discrimination.

I Am Here
Tuesday, April 1
2 to 4 pm
UU Loch Raven
In the game of life, what’s in your way? Will you be accepted? Find out when you  play!

My Problem, Your Problem
Wednesday, April 2
12 to 1 pm
Chesapeake 1&2
Whose face do you picture when you read a TU crime alert? Or when you think about immigration or depression? We all have heard the stereotypes, but how many of us have stopped to think about what the truth is? Join us as we explore these three commonly misunderstood issues.

Society’s Blind Spot: The Gender and Sexuality Spectrum
Thursday, April 3
5 to 6:30 PM
University Union 315-316
Join this engaging conversation about gender, sexuality, and identity and get a chance to win fun prizes.

Covered and Exposed
Friday, April 4
10 AM to 2 PM
Center for Student Diversity, UU 313
This artistic expo will expose the experiences of women in Islam on Towson University’s campus.  Join us as we raise awareness about how discrimination affects the experiences of students inside the US and on campus.

What’s Right in Front of You: Hidden Disabilities
Monday, April 7
5 to 7 PM
West Village Commons Ballroom B

This informative session will raise awareness about the hidden disabilities in our community and eliminate the stigma tied to people with disabilities.