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Study Abroad deadlines extended!

Summer 2014 Deadlines Extended for Select Programs

The following faculty-led study abroad programs are still accepting applications through Monday, April 7, 2014:

Havana Cuba

Havana, Cuba. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

* TU Close but No Cigars: Economics & Supply Chain in Cuba

Take a first-hand look at economics, politics and supply chain management in the city of Havana from May 21 to June 1. Earn 3 credits in Economics (ECON 474) or Operations Management (EBTM 365).



Temple of Apollo Greece

Temple of Apollo. Photo by Mallory Durkin

* TU Myth & Ideology: Ancient Greece in the Modern Imagination

Explore the history and culture of Greece from May 31 to June 15. Earn 3 credits in English (ENGL 495 or ENGL 595) or Cultural Studies (CLST370). Open to graduate students!

TU students may receive Honors credit for either experience.

Applications must be submitted by Monday, April 7, 2014 for full consideration. Contact our office with any questions at 410-704-2451 or via email at studyabroad@towson.edu.

Towson Study Abroad
How big is your world?

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