TU home | T3 | Economics of Sweatshops Lecture with Q and A: TODAY!

Economics of Sweatshops Lecture with Q and A: TODAY!

powell_benjamin_hirezThe Political Economy Project, Towson Economics Society and Towson Classical Liberals are hosting Benjamin Powell, Ph.D., professor of economics at Texas Tech University and author of Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global Economy.

Using economic theory, Powell argues that much of what the anti-sweatshop movement has agitated for would actually harm the very workers they intend to help by creating less desirable alternatives and undermining the process of development. Improving the welfare of poorer citizens of third-world countries is the goal, and his book explores methods that best achieve that goal.

Wednesday, March 5
5 – 6:15 p.m.
Stephens Hall 310

The event is free and open to the campus community.
