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CIS Seminar Today: Security Enhancements for Android

The Department of Computer and Information Sciences presents a seminar on:

Attacking and Defending Mobile Device Vulnerabilities

Speakers: Joshua Brindle and Brandon Whalen

About the talk:

This talk will focus on using Security Enhancements for Android (SE for Android) to secure Android devices. In particular the talk will focus on using SE for Android to secure the GS4 device for use by the government. Some background into SELinux and SE for Android will be covered as part of this talk.

Bring your questions and your curiosity, so we can make this a highly interactive session.

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 5:30 p.m. (refreshments), 6:00pm (talk)

Location: 7800 York Rd, Room 459

RSVP is required.

RSVP and more details at: http://www.meetup.com/MobileDevTU/

About MobileDev@TU Meetup:

This event is part of a larger effort to bridge Towson University students and the IT industry and to increase opportunities for both groups. We find that software development meetups in Baltimore have little student representation and this group is aimed at filling that void. Please contact {modev@towson.edu} for more details.

