TU home | T3 | Last chance to "Do It In The Dark" and win $$ for your residence hall!

Last chance to “Do It In The Dark” and win $$ for your residence hall!

The Energy Conservation Contest has been tracking energy use in each residence hall to see which group of students can reduce their energy use the most each week. The leading residence hall will win CASH to throw a party of its choice!

The contest ends Nov 5, but it’s still important to continue practicing energy saving habits!

Here are some ways to save:
-Turn off the lights when you’re not using them, use daylight when you can.
-Set your thermostat to 68 – 72 in cool weather and throw on an extra layer of clothes.
-Don’t heat/cool an empty room, turn down the heater before you leave!
-Take the stairs, not the elevator
-Take shorter, cooler showers.

-Wash clothes in cold water.
-Unplug appliances/chargers or plug them into a power strip and switch it off when not in use!
-Shut down your computer at night.
-Buy energy efficient light bulbs (LEDs are the best – CFLs are good, too).

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