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Staff Kudos

Mike Noll, Office of Human Resources, was awarded the Outstanding Chapter Advisor of the Year Award by Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity for his dedicated and loyal service as a Collegiate Chapter Advisor at Towson University. The award was announced at the organization’s National Convention, held in Philadelphia, on August 3.

Towson’s Parking and Transportation Services received the National Association of Collage Auxiliary Services’ (NACAS) 2013 Innovative Use of Technology Award for their implementaion and use of the Lisence Plate Recognition system used with the Virtual Permit Program.

Clara Fang, Office of Sustainability, published an article, “Beyond Sustainability: Communicating a New Environmental Movement,” in Sustainability: the Journal of Record. The editorial addresses the need to appeal to intrinsic values over self-interest and economic efficiency when it comes to communicating the need to balance human needs with those of the environment. Anyone interested in reading the article should contact Clara Fang at cfang@towson.edu.
