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Liz Shearer Appointed Director of Study Abroad

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the appointment of Liz Shearer as Director for Study Abroad effective immediately.  Liz moved to the U.S. from Bristol, England in 1998 and, since joining the Study Abroad Office in 2001, has contributed to the transformation of the study abroad program at TU.  Her progression through the ranks from Programs Assistant to Associate Director and her historical knowledge of the evolution of study abroad at Towson will allow her to carry the program forward to the next level. In her new role, she will manage the daily operations of the Study Abroad Office, develop and implement program policies, respond to study abroad student health and safety issues, and engage in long-range planning of study abroad goals in coordination with departments across campus.  Liz will also work closely with faculty as chair of the TU Faculty Committee on Study Abroad.  As Director, she looks forward to leading the office and developing new and innovative strategies to raise the profile of study abroad and help drive a new phase of internationalization at TU.  She holds a BA in Social Sciences from Nottingham Trent University in the UK and an M.A. in Liberal and Professional Studies from Towson University.  Please join Provost Timothy Chandler and Vice Provost James DiLisio in congratulating Liz Shearer on this significant appointment.