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Dr. Dan Agley’s Retirement

Dr. Dan Agley will be retiring from Towson University on July 1, 2013, after 42 years of service in the Health Science Department. Dr. Agley said he is proud of “the great success of our students upon graduation, but I am most proud of the quality of our faculty and each person’s dedication while serving the Health Science Programs.  The quality of our new faculty has allowed me few regrets in the continuity of our programs.  I also have great memories of the many students I have taught ”

Dr. Agley has requested that we not organize a retirement party, but he instead asked that people who want to say goodbye stop by his office. He also asked in lieu of a gift that those who wish to honor his service and contributions to the University do so by making a donation to the Towson University Foundation, specifying account 35831–Health Education Working Fellowship.

Please join us in thanking Dr. Agley for his many contributions to the University and wishing him all the best in his retirement.