TU home | T3 | Women’s Workshop Series: Choosing Your Own Adventure: Love, Jobs, Babies?

Women’s Workshop Series: Choosing Your Own Adventure: Love, Jobs, Babies?

LADIES! In a short time you’ll be faced with decision about love, babies and jobs. Do you know what you want from your future? Don’t be stuck in a few years asking, “Why didn’t someone tell me this sooner?” Come to this exciting panel discussion and hear a group of amazing women (your future selves, perhaps) talk about how they made the choices they did.

The event is a brown bag lunch so BYO lunch. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided!

Contact Maria Wydra or the Counseling Center (410-704-2512) for more info.

Date of Event: May 3
Start Time: noon
End Time: 1:30 p.m.
Location of Event: Career Center
Room: Conference Room