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New online TU Directory Search

A new advantage:   when you click on “directory search” off Towson’s homepage, there will now appear a welcome addition for sorting out where all offices and departments are housed.  (Yes, not all departments live in the same building.)  This will be a new,  live application by the time you read the message.

Up till now, we have  accessed phone and address  information from three different listings (Faculty/Staff, Student, A to Z Directory).   We were not  able to find colleagues  based only on their campus location. However,  you may at times need to identify  a person you want to connect with  only by knowing his/her building.  (For instance, the Athletics Department is housed in six different places:  Auburn House, Burdick Hall, the Field House, Johnny Unitas Stadium, Linthicum Hall, and the Towson Center).  If you are trying to find or identify a person you know is located in Burdick Hall, you can now select Burdick Hall from the directory  and see a list of its occupants.  You could also choose to search for a person by department and be able to survey a whole department online and narrow down to the person you seek.

The two new options require authentication which means you need to provide your user name and password to gain access.

That’s all there is to it – a very helpful new way of cross-listing people and departments.
