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Faculty Kudos

College of Liberal Arts

Dave Belz, English, published White Asparagus, a collection of his poems, fiction and essays.

Leslie Harrison, English, had his poem “Solstice” quoted by The Chronicle of Higher Education in a piece on Bucknell University’s Poetry Path.

Florence Newman, professor emerita of English, has a chapter in Brill’s Companion to Hrotsvit of Gandersheim (fl. 960).  Its title is “The Audiences of Hrotsvit.”

Jonathan Vincent, English, read a paper, “for some beyond: U.S. Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War and the Literature of International Commitment,” at the Literature and Culture Since 1900 Conference at the University of Louisville.

Michael K. Masatsugu, History, published an article, “‘Bonded by Reverence to the Buddha’:  Asian Decolonization, Japanese Americans and the Making of the Buddhist World” in the Journal of Global History  8:1 (March, 2013).

College of Fine Arts and Communications

Beth A. Haller, Journalism/New Media, was quoted in a recent New York Times article, “Teaching Viewers to Hear the TV with Eyes Only.”