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President’s Diversity Awards

President Loeschke recognized four members and two departments of the Towson University community for their excellent work in support of advancing the university’s commitment to diversity.  Recipients of the President’s 3rd Annual Diversity Award included a student, faculty and staff members, and an administrative and academic department.

Towson University’s Reflective Process for Diversity has fostered the university’s advancement toward an institutionalized model for diversity. The President’s Diversity Awards recognize individuals and departments that have made efforts to foster greater awareness, understanding and advancement of diversity and inclusiveness at Towson University. Through this recognition the campus community is encouraged to sustain change that focuses on the strengthening of student intellectual and social development, the purposeful development and utilization of organizational resources to enhance student learning, the enhanced awareness of and appreciation for the variety of backgrounds, perspectives and beliefs held by members of the Towson University community, as well as the establishment and maintenance of a welcoming campus environment that engages all of its diversity in services to students and organizational learning.

Congratulations to the following individuals and departments!


Individual Awards:

Faculty (general): Elsa Lankford, Associate Professor, Electronic Media and Film, COFAC

Faculty (research): Mary Beth Merryman, Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, CHP

Staff: Gail Gasparich, Associate Dean and Director of CSM Women in Science, Biological Sciences, FCSM

Student: Samantha Hubbard, Director of Diversity Outreach, Student Government Association (SGA), Division of Student Affairs

Department Awards:

Academic: Special Education, College of Education, Division of Academic Affairs

Administrative: University Admissions, Division of Academic Affairs


Awards were distributed at a lunch ceremony during TU’s 2013 Multicultural Conference on March 8.
