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Grub Street is “Gold” Again!!!

The 2012 volume of Grub Street, Towson’s student literary annual, has won a Gold Medal from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, adding to a long list of laurels collected over many years. Congratulations to student editor Mike Nitti and his staff, to faculty advisor Geoffrey Becker of the Department of English, and to all Grub Street contributors. Reviewers commented especially on the quality of writing in the magazine (and, yes, these are really comments from the Columbia awards reviewers) :


“The writing in Grub Street is so good that I just sat down and read the entire magazine cover to cover; then I went back to my favorites to read again. There is a wonderful flow to the material and outstanding sensory word choice throughout the stories.”


“’Robin’s Guitar’: excellent storytelling. I’ll echo the mother’s comment, ‘I love it’; characters are the backbone of any story and the major characters are fully developed.”


“What makes your poetry so outstanding is that every single word counts, your word choice is precise and sensory; the writers in your magazine express ideas with a minimum of words. The poems lift the reader out of the ordinary.”


And just think, for Towson readers, Grub Street is free!

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