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Relationship Groups Closing Soon!

Would you like supportive and constructive feedback about how you relate to others?  Do you want to learn how to better cope with social anxiety, adjusting to campus life and relationship conflicts?  Do you want to get your needs met and improve your relationships with roommates, friends, family and romantic partners? Join a Relationships Group at the Counseling Center. Open Group times are: WED (1 – 2:30 p.m.) and THURS (2:30 – 4 p.m.).  All groups are FREE and confidential.  TU undergraduate and graduate students are welcome. Groups run until the end of the semester (no sessions during Spring Break).  For more information about this and other groups, check out our website.  To sign up for an INFO SESSION, call the Counseling Center at 410-704-2512 and mention 1) your interest in a Relationships Group and 2) which group time(s) you can do.