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Towson Top Tiger Awards for January

TUSC would like to congratulate the staff listed below for winning the Top Tiger Award for January!

Joe Byer, Facilities & Maintenance

Nominated by:  JR Rathjens, Campus Recreation Services

“When the weather got extremely cold very quickly, Joe immediately helped our Department when one of our offices was experiencing very low temperatures. When I touched base with Joe, he made it a priority to help us with our problem, and help us be as “comfortable” as possible given the frigid temperatures we were experiencing. His immediate response was truly above and beyond.”


Richard Morrocco, OHR

Nominated by:  Mike Noll, Office of Human Resources

“In the late afternoon of January 3, our ceiling-mounted LCD projector would not work in the Training Room. Of course that following morning, very early, we had a department who requested to use the room. Since I was scheduled to be out that next day, I needed someone to help the department set up a portable LCD projector, a table, and other equipment to ensure that they would be able to use the room as if there were no technology issues. Rick stepped up and WOW’ed us all with his Customer Service. Thanks Rick! I literally could not have done it without you!”


Don’t forget to get your Top Tiger nominations in for the month of February! All designated winners are selected through a drawing during each month’s TUSC meeting. If you are interested in nominating a colleague, or if you need more information, please visit the TUSC website at http://www.towson.edu/tusc.

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