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Crime Prevention Programs Offered by TUPD

The Towson University Police Community Outreach Office maintains comprehensive crime prevention programs. The Community Outreach Officer works with the Division of Student Affairs in addition to other members and departments of the campus community.  The Community Outreach Officer develops programs to promote safety and security both on and off campus.

The Towson University Police present the following programs to all faculty, staff and students upon request and also provide them in the residence halls at the request of resident assistants. The TUPD addresses specific needs of the audience and focuses on individuals, taking personal responsibility for their safety, for avoiding unsafe situations and for using TUPD’s services.

  • What is TUPD?: Introduces students to the functions, purposes and services of TUPD. Offers important phone numbers and educates students on the training, credentials and authority of the police department. Also includes descriptions of its role in the campus emergency plan.
  • Safety Off Campus: Educates students about living in an urban setting and about using crime prevention skills. Typically customized for the specific audience.
  • Be Safe @ Home: Provides students with safety tips and tools for use in their campus residence and around campus. Encourages safe living on campus, tells how to avoid becoming a victim and how to enhance safety during unexpected emergencies.
  • Alcohol and Drug Awareness: Illustrates the effects and the dangerous consequences of under-age drinking. Additional programs educate students on the hazards of drug use, including, not limited to: the legal ramifications, financial hardships and social difficulties to which drug use or experimentation can lead.
  • Dating Violence: Educates individuals –primarily women– on acquaintance rape and prevention strategies in order to avoid dangerous situations. Educates students on forms of dating violence, such as emotional and sexual abuse.

Any group or department that is interested should contact the Community Outreach Office at x4-5622, or email Cpl. Kia Williams at kdwilliams@towson.edu.

