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Media and Community Engagement

Media and Community Engagement

As part of the strategic plan for Towson University we welcome solicitations from faculty throughout the university to include media technologies in their current or new upper level courses that are directed toward community engagement in the fall of 2013. Faculty will be trained through a series of workshops in the spring of 2013 in a variety of media technologies, production techniques, curriculum development, ethics and research methods. When their upper level courses are taught in the fall of 2013 faculty and students in the awarded course will have access to a variety of audio/visual equipment, editing labs and consultation toward their curriculum and pedagogy. In addition, faculty with accepted proposals who participate will receive a stipend of $1000. These upper level courses will potentially be utilized for the formation of a new interdisciplinary initiative at Towson University in media and social action, stimulated by the work of students in combining courses from visual anthropology and from electronic media and film during the past few years.

Please submit the following by February 1, 2013:

-A two-page narrative explaining how you will utilize media technologies in your current or proposed course and how it involves community engagement

-A letter from your chair stating approval for this course and its inclusion in the fall 2013 course schedule

Proposals will be reviewed by a steering committee of faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Fine Arts and Communication.

Proposals should be sent to Matthew Durington (mdurington@towson.edu).