TU home | T3 | FALL 2004 BLOOD DRIVE - October 4,5, & 6, 2004

FALL 2004 BLOOD DRIVE – October 4,5, & 6, 2004

Attention all Towson University faculty, staff, and students!!
You could help save a life!!

We will be holding our Fall 2004 Blood Drive in the University Union Chesapeake Rooms on:
***Monday October 4 8am-2pm***
***Tuesday October 5 8:30am-6pm***
***Wednesday October 6 8:30am-6pm ***

Our goal for this drive is 200 units. The Towson University community has consistently come through and supported the Red Cross. Please join us and support the efforts of Towson University to help the local Red Cross replenish their supply of available blood.
PRE-REGISTRATION is strongly encouraged. If you would like to pre-register, you can do so Monday, September 27 through Thursday, September 30 in the main lobby of Cook Library, 1st floor entrance Administration Bldg., or from 10am to 2pm outside the Susquehanna Dining Hall in the University Union. Walk-ins are always welcome!
VOLUNTEERS ALSO NEEDED – If you are unable to donate blood that does not mean your help is not needed. Towson University Office of Human Resources and the Red Cross are in need of volunteers for this drive. Volunteers may sign up for 1-2 hour shifts to work at the registration table and/or canteen.
To schedule an appointment or to volunteer, please contact Gail Price in the Office of Human Resources Benefits Unit at 410-704-6017 or E-MAIL: {gprice@towson.edu}
Please note that if you donated blood at the August 31 drive, you cannot donate at this drive. You will be eligible to donate at the November 22 drive. Again, thank you for your continued support!!
FUTURE DRIVES – Monday, November 22, 2004