TU home | T3 | Interdisciplinary Student Research and Scholarship Expo ? Applications Due Friday, March 14

Interdisciplinary Student Research and Scholarship Expo ? Applications Due Friday, March 14

Towson University graduate and undergraduate students of all disciplines are encouraged to submit applications to present at the Student Research and Scholarship Expo. Students will have the opportunity to showcase the results and progress of their academic work, gain experience presenting their work to a lay audience, and have their project abstracts published for the campus community. Projects can cover a wide variety of topics in the arts and sciences and may be presented in a variety of ways. Past Expos have included oral and poster presentations, performances, art exhibitions, technology demonstrations, and film screenings. In Progress research and research done as a class requirement or independent study is admissible. Each presenter must have the support of a faculty member.

Applications are due on Friday, March 14, 2008! Presentations will be selected by a panel of faculty members representing each College of the University. The Student Research and Scholarship Expo will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2008.

Contact: For more information, visit {http://www.towson.edu/ours} and click on ?Annual Student Research and Scholarship Expo? or contact
Jennifer Toll at 410-704-5064 (phone) or {jtoll@towson.edu} (e-mail).