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Today! Money Management Success Workshop

Money Management Success Workshop:
* Light Refreshments will be served

Learn how to invest on a shoe string budget! Join us and learn how with our guest speakers from the Financial Planning Association of Maryland.
Wednesday, 2/13th @ 6pm, Stephens Hall, RM 310

Topics include:
Financial Planning
Investing on a shoe-string budget
Prevent Identity Theft

Sponsored by CBE Graduate Programs Exploration Week

Contact Person: Carol Abraham, CBE Graduate Coordinator:
410-704-6163 or cabraham@towson.edu
Location: Stephens Hall, RM 301J

Dates: Monday, 2/11 – Thursday, 2/14: 10am ? 4pm &
Friday, 2/15: 10am – 2pm

Website: {www.towson.edu/cbe/graduate}