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4th Annual College of Liberal Arts Foreign Film Series

?Films from Syria?

With Visit and Presentation by Syrian Ambassador to Washington, D.C.
His Excellency Imad Moustapha

Tuesdays at 6:30 in Linthicum Hall, room 200

February 20
Introduced and moderated by His Excellency, Dr. Imad Moustapha, Syrian ambassador to Washington

Verbal Letters (Rasa?el Shafahiyyah) [105 minutes]
Abdullatif Abdul-Hamid?s film about love, friendship, loyalty and the magic of the first kiss is loosely adapted from Cyrano de Bergerac.

Tuesday, February 27

Introduced and moderated by Dr. Rochelle Davis, Assistant Professor of Arab Culture and Society, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University

A Plate of Sardines (or The First Time I heard of Israel) [18 minutes]
Synopsis: Omar Amiralay revisits the ruins of the destroyed village of Quneytra in the company of filmmaker Mohammad Malas.

The Dream (Al-Manam) [45 minutes]
Synopsis: Mohammad Malas filmed this documentary in Sabra and Shatila, Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, shortly before the 1982 massacre. Its principle reference is dreams, not lived reality.

Tuesday, March 6

Introduced and moderated by Dr. Kevin Martin, Assistant Professor of History, University of Memphis

Stars in Broad Daylight (Nujum an-Nahar) [115 minutes]
Oussama Mohammad?s first long feature is about a double wedding that turns to high drama when one bride runs away and the other refuses to go on with the marriage.

All screenings are free and open to the public. All films are in Arabic, but have English subtitles.
Refreshments will be provided.

Free parking will be available in Visitor?s Lot 6, located on the TU campus off Towsontown Boulevard.

For additional information, call 410-704-2906.

Towson University co-sponsors include the College of Liberal Arts, the Departments of History, Geography, and Electronic Media and Film, the Institute for Teaching and Research on Women, Cultural Studies, and the Office of Student Activities.

Dr. Kimberly Katz, Department of History, organized the series.

More information to follow, so stay tuned to the Daily Digest.