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Domestic Violence Awareness Presentation

One in three female homicide victims in the U.S. is murdered by their intimate male partner. Every 3 seconds, a woman is battered, and almost half of the adult women in the U.S. have been impacted by domestic violence in their lives. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To promote awareness of this important issue of how domestic violence affects immigrant women, women of color and other marginalized groups, Global Women of Baltimore and Towson University presents a conversation with Dr. Natalie Sokoloff entitled: Domestic Violence at the Margins. Dr. Sokoloff is a sociology professor and preeminent scholar from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NY.

Join us for an enlightening presentation on Thursday, October 5th in the University Union, Potomac Lounge from 6:30-8:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served and verification of attendance will be provided for students who need to submit proof to their professors for extra credit.

This event is sponsored by Global Women of Baltimore; Towson University College of Liberal Arts; Multicultural Institute; Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity; Psychology Department; Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Department; the Women’s Center and the Women’s Studies Institute for Teaching and Research on Women.

For additional information, email Dr. Leonie Brooks, Psychology Department at {Labrooks@towson.edu}.