TU home | T3 | Summer Planetarium Show: ?Confusing Pathways of the Sun and Moon.?

Summer Planetarium Show: ?Confusing Pathways of the Sun and Moon.?

The Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences Department will be presenting a summer planetarium show in the Watson-King Planetarium, Smith Hall, Room 521 on Friday, June 16th starting at 8:30 p.m. After the show there will be telescope viewing, weather permitting.

Presenting the show will be Dr. Norman Dean and the topic is “CONFUSING PATHWAYS OF THE SUN AND MOON.”

Shakespeare once said, “Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon.” Just what is the apparent relationship between the sun and moon as they rise in the east and set in the west? How does this strange apparent motion lead to seasons, moon phases, and eclipses?

For more information, contact Dr. Alex Storrs 410-704-3003