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Re-Scheduled Reception and Workshop-International Modern Ink Painting

The public reception for the International Modern Ink Painting exhibition and the Ink Play workshop have been re-scheduled for Saturday, Fabruary 18, 2-4 pm at the Atrium outside the Asian Arts Gallery, Center for the Arts. Artists from Taiwan will conduct a participatory ?ink play? with the audience to create original works on large cotton sheets.

On the same day, the children’s ink painting workshop will be held from 11 am-12:30 pm. We provide small paper umbrellas for children, age 5-14, to paint on. Each child will have his/her own original umbrella to take home. Workshop is free. Please call the Asian Arts & Culture Center 410-704-2807 to reserve a space.

Admission is free.

Contact information: 410-704-2807; {www.towson.edu/asianarts}