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Chemimagination Day

On Thursday, April 7, 2005 the Chemagination competition is from 2:30p.m. to 5:00p.m. in Smith Hall, Rooms 524, 554 and 556.

Since 2001, the American Chemical Society (ACS) have been sponsoring the Chemagination competition for highschool students to compete and produce the best posters for the ?CHEMMATTERS? magazine. Sixty students from six high schools are expected to participate in this event. One winning team from each category will receive a prize of $200.00, have their poster published in the CHEMMATERS Magazine and compete at Rutgers University in New Jersey. The theme is ?Life in the Year 2030?; the teams are competing in four categories:

New Materials
Health and Medicine

Four faculty members from the Department of Chemistry of Towson University will judge the competition. Previously, Maryland students won the regional competition. Ms. Elena Pisciotta and Dr. Shirish Shah are the Maryland ACS Coordinators for this event.

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