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Hatha Yoga at the Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is offering yoga classes for all interested Faculty/Staff. Shay Wanigasinghe, a graduate of Yama Studio-Yoga Therapeutics, will be teaching Hatha Yoga, a yoga style centered around gentle poses and energy breathing. The goal of Shay’s class will be to help participants gradually reduce stress levels as they progress through the 8-week series of classes.

Classes will be held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5 pm to 6:15 pm.

Cost is $80 for 8 weeks ($10 per class) and classes will begin the week of September 13th.


The Monday class will begin on Monday, September 13. The Wednesday class will begin on Wenesday, September 15 and the Friday class will begin on Friday, September 17th. Space only allows for 10 participants per class, so reserve your spot ASAP! A signed waiver must also be completed and turned in with your payment no later than Friday, September 10th.

You will be required to bring your own yoga mat and should wear comfortable clothing. It is also recommended that you bring socks, a light sweatshirt/jacket as body temperature may drop when performing relaxation exercises and a water bottle. Be sure to have eaten a small snack within an hour before class.

Please communicate with the Wellness Center directly to register: 410 704-4555 or e-mail me at {cwoods@towson.edu}