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Dangerous Subtexts: Paule Marshall?s Short Story “Brooklyn”

Paule Marshall?s short novella “Brooklyn” has fascinating and transgressive sexual and political subtexts that scholars have yet to recognize.

On its surface, it is a story about a young African American woman?s experiences with–and victory over?sexual harassment perpetrated by
her French professor (a victim of McCarthyism).

Join Professor Shirley Parry in plumbing the secrets of Paule Marshall?s short story “Brooklyn” on Tuesday, March 9 at 3:30 p.m. in the University Union Chesapeake room 302.

Paule Marshall is a highly regarded writer who was recently awarded a MacArthur “genius” grant. Her novels include Brown Girl, Brownstones,
Praisesong for the Widow, and Daughters. She recently published Triangular Road, a memoir.

Dr. Parry is Professor Emerita of English and Women?s Studies at Anne Arundel Community College and a scholar of Paule Marshall?s fiction.

Copies of “Brooklyn” will be available in TU English Department or WMST office.

For more information, contact Professor Shirley Parry at {scparry@aacc.edu} or Lisa Pressman at {lpressman@towson.edu}