A film series on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will take place during several Friday afternoon screenings at 2:00 pm [Feb. 20, March 6, April 3, and April 17] in LI 200. Considering recent events in Gaza, this series will be both timely and informative. The program is open to all and students are encouraged to attend and discuss the films and the history of the conflict.
April 3 – The Daily Nakbas (89 min)
Picks up the experience of Palestinian refugees worldwide in 1967, and explores the repeated expulsions of Palestinians from various countries and refugee camps from 1967 to 2007.
For more information contact Dr. Kimberly Katz or Dr. Jerzy Mazur in the History Department: {kkatz@towson.edu} or {JMazur@towson.edu}