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15th Annual Multicultural Conference: Call for Abstracts & Save the Date


15th Annual Multicultural Conference
Interrogating Privilege
Thursday, Feb 26, 2009
Keynote Speaker: Tim Wise, Author of ?White Like Me?

Interrogating Privilege
Whether it is seen as a positive or negative influence in our lives, privilege shapes our daily interactions with individuals and within our social institutions. While privilege is often conceived and analyzed in terms of race or class, this year?s conference theme seeks to interrogate privilege in its many manifestations — including gender, sexual orientation, religion, vocation, ability, nationality, size, age and other cultural factors where privilege is invoked. We invite submissions on this theme or other topics related to larger goals of the annual Multicultural Conference.

Proposals might address:
? New definitions and approaches to the idea of privilege
? Exploring a deconstruction of various forms of privilege while creating strategies for interaction among individuals
? How notions of privilege have shaped human interaction historically and today
? What is privilege in a multifaceted society?
? What does privilege mean in the 21st century?

On-line abstract submission: {https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=E5Tzv91LyzEMLnM_2fsI8OKQ_3d_3d}

Faculty, staff and students of Towson University are invited to submit abstracts (200-300 words) for the conference in varied formats including papers, panels, posters, workshops, roundtable discussions, performance art, artwork, etc.

Abstract Submission Deadline: December 12, 2008.

Matthew Durington and M. Paz Galupo, Conference Co-Chairs
Multicultural Conference Program Committee
Institute for Academic Diversity and Inclusion