TU home | T3 | CLA Mitten and Price Memorial Scholarships: Deadline is October 31, 2008

CLA Mitten and Price Memorial Scholarships: Deadline is October 31, 2008

The College of Liberal Arts will award scholarships for use in the Spring semester of 2009 to students who are declared majors within the College and who demonstrate outstanding academic performance. These awards will be designated as follows to honor the benefactors whose names they carry: The Martha A. Mitten Memorial Scholarship and The Beulah M. Price Memorial Scholarship. The primary criterion for each award will be merit, in keeping with the wishes of the donors who made the awards possible.


The Martha A. Mitten Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student who has declared a major in one of the departments or programs located in the College of Liberal Arts and who has completed at least three courses (or nine credit hours) of work within that major at Towson University, building a record of academic excellence. The Mitten Scholar will also have demonstrated active citizenship within the University or the community through membership and service in clubs, organizations, or student governance; through volunteer work, service learning, or other civic engagement; or through activities of a related type that the student has defined. The Mitten Scholar will normally be a student of sophomore standing at the time of application, although the award may be used during the first semester with junior standing. The Mitten Scholarship for 2009 will provide $1000 toward the costs of tuition or other University charges.


The Beulah M. Price Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a student who has declared a major in one of the departments or programs located in the College of Liberal Arts and who has completed at least five courses (or fifteen credit hours) of work within that major at Towson University. The Price Scholar will exhibit exceptional academic accomplishment and promise as demonstrated through consistently high faculty evaluations in the grading process and through the completion of substantive analytical, reflective, or research-based projects. The nature of these projects will be appropriate to the major chosen and may vary in specific form. The Price Scholar will be a student of junior or senior standing at the time of application; the award must be used during the designated semester and in no case may be used after graduation. Two Price Scholarships for 2009 will provide $1500 each toward the costs of tuition or other University charges.

Please go to {http://www.towson.edu/cla/Announcements/index.asp} for an application and application requirements. Any questions can be directed to Ms. Bonnie Alexander; 410-704-2128.