Saturday Morning Science will begin its fall series on Saturday September 13, 2008, in Smith Hall room 326 with a program titled “Space Stations: From Science Fiction to the International Space Station” presented by Dr. Don Thomas, former NASA astronaut and director of the Hackerman Academy. Space Stations have been orbiting the Earth nearly continuously for the past 35 years allowing us to observe the Earth, study the sun, and perform numerous experiments in a world of microgravity. Come learn about these unique outposts in space and the work being performed on them. This program is part of the Saturday Morning Science Series being sponsored by the Hackerman Academy of Mathematics and Science.
The program is free and open to the public and starts at 10:00 am and runs until about 11:30 am. The program will be repeated at 12:00 noon. For questions call 410-704-3659 or email us at {}.
We look forward to seeing you there!