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Panel Discussion

Wednesday, November 3rd, at 5 p.m. the e-Business Association will be hosting a panel discussion in ST310 featuring Marci De Vries, President at MDV Interactive, Nick Hall, Web Producer at Silverpoint (Towson CBE Alum e-Business and Marketing ’04) and Dov Hoffman, Marketing Specialist at COLUMBIA Technologies (Towson CBE Alum e-Business and Marketing ’10). We will also be inviting past eBA guest speakers as well as other business professionals to join us for the event, so there is also potential for networking!

The panel will be discussing the recent shifts in e-Business, the importance of networking, and other topics related to students entering today’s workforce. This discussion will be beneficial to the student body and we could all gain a lot from it.

Feel free to check out our website for more information on the e-BA!! {http://towson.edu/eba}