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Personal Safety Reminder

We, as a community, are very concerned about the recent rape of a Towson University student in an off-campus apartment complex. The personal safety of our students, both on and off campus, is one of the institution’s top priorities. At a time like this, we are reminded of the importance of taking particular precautions in managing our own personal safety and reducing our risks. While we cannot prevent all crime, here are a few fundamental things to keep in mind:
*be aware of your surroundings,
*trust your instincts,
*stay sober and never leave a beverage unattended or accept a drink from someone you do not know well,
*always keep your home and car doors locked,
*never let anyone in who you do not know well into your building,
*always make sure you know who is at the door before you open it,
*consider taking a self-defense course,
*do not think it cannot happen to you,
*do not blame yourself for being a victim of a crime, and
*seek appropriate medical and psychological assistance.

If you have been a victim of or affected by a crime, the following campus resources are available to you: Dowell Health Center (410-704-2466), Counseling Center (410-704-2512), TU Police Department (410-704-2133), Women’s Center (410-704-2666). Community service agencies include Turnaround (24-hour hotline-410-828-6390), Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (1-800-983-RAPE), and GBMC (443-849-3323) and Mercy (410-332-9949) Hospitals.

For additional information, contact Julie McKenna {jmckenna@towson.edu} or Jim Spivack {jspivack@towson.edu}.