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Become a Maryland General Assembly Delegate for a weekend!

Have you ever wanted to write bills, learn parlimentary procedure, and become apart of the Maryland General Assembly. The Maryland Student Legislature will be hosting their Fall Interim Assembly at Towson University for the first time in Towson’s history! The event will be held November 20-21 all day on campus.

You’ll be able to debate bills about abortion, the military, health care, gay marriage, the war in Iraq, taxes and tons of other issues! Meet students from all over Maryland from schools such as UMCP, UMBC, Loyola, Hood, Morgan, St. Mary’s, and more! Speakers from Maryland politics are invited to speak such as Governor Ehrlich, Lt. Governor Steele and First Lady Ehrlich.

You’ll become that delegate you’ve always wanted to be!

Interested in getting involved? Come to a general interest meeting every Thursday at 5pm in University Union, room 309.

For more information, go to {http://www.msl.org} or email {brookie84@toadmail.com}

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